Tag Archives: marketing

You don’t need a big following to become an author
“I’m going to build my platform before I become an author.” “Just like all those other big-time authors, I need a bigger following first.” “I don’t have enough fans to publish now.” These statements might sound wise or even prudent, right? And you might have said them or heard other people say them. But these…

Episode 104: How to use video to grow your book, brand, or business. An interview with Vlog Boss Amy Schmittauer
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Are you leveraging the hottest tool on social media? If you’re not using video for your book, brand, or business you are missing out on increasing your influence, impact, and income. The truth is though, most of us are scared or at least a little intimidated to enter…

Episode 103: 6 tips to help you sell your first online product or program
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Are you ready to sell your first online product or program? Using our latest Elixir Project Experience launch, I share the backstory behind all of our Transformation Invitations (sales pages). Integrating these 6 tips will make yours a much smoother experience: 1. Pain 2. Proof 3. Picture…

Episode 102: HOW TO SPREAD YOUR DREAM – 3 factors that help ideas catch fire
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream…and decades later we still remember it. WHY IS THIS? His dream, like several others throughout history, spread. BUT HOW? 3 factors help ideas catch fire. For dreams to spread they must be: 1. Clear 2. Compelling 3. Contagious In this…

Episode 101: How to do 5 day’s work in 1 and still have time to drink lemonade
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) It would be cheating—if it weren’t. Up until now, most people settled for working harder or smarter. But what if you could achieve more by working less—like 500% more? Too bad it’s impossible—except that it’s not. FLOW is possible for everyone, at anytime, in any place, pending…

Episode 96: Why Audiobooks are the Fastest-Growing Format in Publishing and How to Cash In
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Audiobooks are on the rise Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard of audiobooks. Maybe you’re even one of the millions of people who use an audiobook subscription service? Places like Audible are getting smarter. They remove all the risk by giving you a 30 day free trial…

Episode 95: Are you with me?
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) There comes a time when the stakes are so high that you need to lay it all on the line. This is that time. And this is that episode. Are you with me? P = Party O = Order G = Group

Episode 94: How to create a killer book release party. 6 essential ingredients you can’t overlook
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Your book needs a party If you’re going to launch a book effectively then you need to tie it to an event. As a seasoned author I coach all my clients to consider having a birthday party for their book. In this episode I…

Episode 93: How to super rocket your success as an author, coach, and speaker
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) In 2012, I bombed big time. I sat outside a big corporate office in our minivan, dressed up in a suit and tie. I had just tried pitching my first corporate client and I had made a fool of myself. I held a big…

Episode 92 – ELIXIR Project: We know everything about you
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) In this candid interview with Chris O’Byrne of Jet Launch—the interior designer of ELIXIR Project—we discuss several key topics including: How to leverage live events for maximum impact The costs of getting hacked personally and professionally Pros and cons of self-publishing and traditional publishing…