Tag Archives: marketing

Episode 91: ELIXIR Project: The Name Change Ceremony
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Becoming Unhackable – the event In the first part of the podcast, enjoy a play-by-play breakdown of #IgnitingSouls16 from this past weekend. You’ll experience a plethora of coaching nuggets that will help you level up own book, brand, and business. Some important announcements: Igniting…

Episode 88 – ELIXIR Project: Conspiracy in the Control Room
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Ready for more neuropathways? In the first part of this episode I discuss why live events are so powerful. Simply put, it’s because they stretch us. This phenomenon is called nerouplasticity. Experts used to believe this process ended in our childhood. However, the latest studies…

Episode 87 – ELIXIR Project: The new technology that reads your thoughts
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Clear Coaching This episode begins with sound practical coaching on when to grow your team, how to grow your team, and what to charge for your services. Most leaders make the mistake of trying to do everything for far too long. This tendency stagnates growth and…

Episode 82 – The smartest way to more influence, impact, and income
(Listen on iTunes, stitcher, audioboom, or streaming audio by clicking play on pic below.) Too Many Opportunities…That’s the Problem We live in a time and place where opportunities abound…too many actually. Just pick up your smart phone and you’ll see endless invitations to: Play Join Browse Buy Look Promote Engage Comment Post Scroll And…

Episode 61 – Why your marketing efforts aren’t working (and what to do to change it)
Sales and marketing? Those two words sound like cuss words to most of us creative folks. (BTW…you are a “creative folk” in my book, regardless how you feel on the topic.) But without effective sales and marketing the best product or service doesn’t have a chance of survival. So what’s an entrepreneur to do? Do…