Category Archives: Direction

Episode 103: 6 tips to help you sell your first online product or program
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Are you ready to sell your first online product or program? Using our latest Elixir Project Experience launch, I share the backstory behind all of our Transformation Invitations (sales pages). Integrating these 6 tips will make yours a much smoother experience: 1. Pain 2. Proof 3. Picture…

Episode 99: The 2 second tweak that crushes the competition every single time
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) What if you had a secret weapon that helped you become a superstar in your industry? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you possessed a certain quality that made you an outlier? Here’s the crazy thing…you do! Regardless of your past failures or successes, you can implement this…

Episode 92 – ELIXIR Project: We know everything about you
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) In this candid interview with Chris O’Byrne of Jet Launch—the interior designer of ELIXIR Project—we discuss several key topics including: How to leverage live events for maximum impact The costs of getting hacked personally and professionally Pros and cons of self-publishing and traditional publishing…

Episode 84 – The #1 reason why you’re not winning as much as you could be
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Are you winning? In sports, winning and losing is a black and white deal. At the end of the game, despite bad calls, poor performance, and fantastic displays of athleticism…someone wins and someone loses—end of story. But in life things get murky. How do you…

Episode 83 – The true test to know if you’re ready for success
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Can I predict your future level of success? Absolutely! There’s a test I give all my clients to determine their future level of success. The test centers on one particular law—The Law of Diminishing Intent. If you’re unfamiliar with it, let me explain. Jim…

Episode 81 – How to become a more strategic thinker
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Today, I’d love to change your mind….mainly about how you think. This little post and subsequent podcast could be one of the more important things you think about in 2016…and here’s why: Live long enough on the planet and you’ll hear: You are what…

Episode 80 – How to become a thought leader and certify people on your own content
Could you be earning more influence, impact, & income? If you’re a content creator (speaker, blogger, authors, podcaster, etc.) and you’re not certifying people to speak, coach, and train on your content, then you could be leaving massive amounts of influence, impact, and income on the table. Over the past 5 years we’ve issued well over…

Episode 78 – How to survive and thrive being married to an entrepreneur: A personal interview with Joanne Miller
They call it the Entrepreneur’s Rollercoaster for a reason. And if you’re not careful, you can become “just another statistic.” In this episode I take a deep dive with Joanne Miller, wife of NY Times bestselling author Dan Miller. Together they’ve been married for nearly half a century. Joanne Miller says her #1 secret for…

Episode 71- WHY YOU NEED TO NICHE: How being a jack of all trades guarantees you won’t be a master of money
Maybe you’ve heard people boast how they’re a: Jack of all trades and a master of none But is this really something to boast about? Or is it a sign that they haven’t done the deep work. If you look at superstars they have something in common. They’re all masters. Why? Maybe because they all…

Episode 68 – Why you need a social media makeover: 8 Simple tweaks to get you and your brand better results online
I think if we’re honest, most of us are guilty of it…making mistakes on social media. Maybe you wish you: Could take something back. Hadn’t posted when you were mad. Didn’t come off with so much self-promotion. Or you might be the opposite. Maybe you haven’t made mistakes. Rather, you wish you could just get more people…