Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 055 – Feedback Filters: Why the breakfast of champions will crush your competiton

Today’s podcast is all about Feedback. Speaking of feedback, have you heard that it’s often called The Breakfast of Champions? But just because winners invite feedback doesn’t mean all feedback is equal. “Haters” have feedback and plenty of it. But is their feedback helpful or harmful? In episode #055, I share 8 filters I use…

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Episode 054 – STRATEGY SHIFT: How to go from loser to winner in 30 seconds

What separates losers from winners is many times just a subtle shift in strategy. Go from blindspot to sweet spot in 30 seconds by eliminating a simple, but fatal flaw.

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Episode 053 – GET PAID WHAT YOU’RE WORTH : And how to score big contracts with complete strangers

Let’s be honest. You have an amazing product or service. And you know the value you can bring potential clients. BUT ARE YOU CHARGING WHAT YOU’RE WORTH? How do you even really know what to charge? Are there signs, rules, or indicators? Can you influence the outcome? Or are your rates set in stone due…

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Episode 051 – How to tell your friends their Digital Fly © is down

Digital Fly? Yep, we all have one. Ever stand on a stage and give a speech? Ever sit back down and realize your “fly” was down? Embarrassing, hey? But what happens if you had a friend who knew it was down…and they didn’t tell you? (Not cool.) And yet, we’ve all had this experience, right?…

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Episode 050 – The dark side of false humility: Why playing small often just means you’re running scared

Have you ever found yourself backpedaling from an opportunity to step on a “bigger stage?” You passed on the moment because you didn’t want to “seem arrogant.” Maybe you were worried how you might come across? You certainly didn’t want to be “that guy” or “that gal.” What if the truth is you were just…

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Episode 049 – How to Remember your Future

You’ve probably been taught a lie… …that memory works only one direction—backward. We often refer to memory this way. We talk about “remembering” things in our past. * Who we choose. * What we ate. * When we left. * Where we went. * Why we acted. But what if memory worked two directions—backward AND…

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Episode 048 – How I overcame the imposter inside

I used to wear a mask—every single day. It’s how I survived. At the age of 23, I was thrust into a large leadership position for a guy my age. I made it through by pretending and hiding. I felt pressure and stress on a daily basis and nobody knew about my secret addiction I…

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Episode 047 – Why I don’t pay attention to surveys, test audiences, and competitors

HISTORY SHOWS US, many times we simply get it wrong. Check out these real quotes. “Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote.” Grover Cleveland, US president, 1905 “Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.” Marechal Ferdinand Foch, professor of strategy, 1904 “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is…

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Episode 046 – When Grown Men Cry—a personal story

Oftentimes the only acceptable emotions for men are laughter or anger. We’re taught from a young age not to cry. In this episode, I share a fresh story about crying for the first time on stage…EVER…this past weekend at the Igniting Souls Conference. I think the story will help you rethink the way you do…

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Episode 045 – My top 10 Learns from the past 12 months

This special 1 year anniversary features the top 10 learns I’ve discovered over the past 12 months. Forget pretense, in this episode I take you front and center to the raw truth of how we won and loss these past 12 months. (Examples include: *When to fire clients. *The true price of delaying decisions. *The…

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