Category Archives: Author

How to unlock your future
Can you Unlock your Future? Is there such a thing as a key that can unlock your future? Sure, but it’s not a magic bean or a Holy Grail. And it’s not 1 key, it’s actually 4 of them. Back in 2012, while still stuck in my day job, I stood on the threshold of…

Ghostwriter Academy: Turn your passion into a profession
I FELL INTO GHOSTWRITING BY ACCIDENT… I’ve been an author since 2004. But for the first 8 years, it was always a side-hustle. After all, with a wife and 3 kids, I didn’t think I could make a living as a full-time writer. Then in 2012, my friend Scott asked me if I could help…

How to turn a book into a 6-figure business
Why a 6-Figure Author? Trust me. It’s not about the money. Here’s what I mean… I published my first book in 2004, The Journey Toward Relevance. The truth is, I didn’t know what I was doing. No one was mentoring me on the finer details of writing, publishing, or marketing. Naively, I thought I’d sell…

How to Turn your Book into a Dream Business
Dreams aren’t given to you; they’re given through you. Your dream is a temporary trust and unless you take action, it will flee you as quickly as it found you. Start Dreaming. Stop Doing I want you to imagine a life you love. If you’re like most people then this isn’t your current reality…at least not yet.…

How to leverage books to grow your influence, impact, and income
Is your book everything it could be? For far too long, we’ve witnessed inferior books outshine superior ones simply because of better marketing. Although it might not be fair, it’s reality. The Author Elective Series is designed to help authors and aspiring authors create more influence, impact, and income from their books. Don’t worry. You…

How to Turn your Book into 18 Streams of Income
In this blog post I’ll show you 18 streams of income you can create from your book. If you want my advance training immediately, access it for FREE here. Best wishes and enjoy the blog post and the training. Your Book Shouldn’t Be a Business Card Many times I meet authors who treat their books…

You don’t need a big following to become an author
“I’m going to build my platform before I become an author.” “Just like all those other big-time authors, I need a bigger following first.” “I don’t have enough fans to publish now.” These statements might sound wise or even prudent, right? And you might have said them or heard other people say them. But these…

Episode 102: HOW TO SPREAD YOUR DREAM – 3 factors that help ideas catch fire
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream…and decades later we still remember it. WHY IS THIS? His dream, like several others throughout history, spread. BUT HOW? 3 factors help ideas catch fire. For dreams to spread they must be: 1. Clear 2. Compelling 3. Contagious In this…

Episode 97: The Secret Sauce Behind the Elixir Project Global Release Party
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) The Elixir Project Global Release Party was epic to say the least. (Click HERE to watch the replay.) 7,000+ Views 180 Events 157 Satellite Cities 15 Countries 6 Continents 1 World Record Although Elixir Project is a near-future fiction thriller, the book touches on about how humans get hacked today.…

Episode 96: Why Audiobooks are the Fastest-Growing Format in Publishing and How to Cash In
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) Audiobooks are on the rise Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard of audiobooks. Maybe you’re even one of the millions of people who use an audiobook subscription service? Places like Audible are getting smarter. They remove all the risk by giving you a 30 day free trial…