Tag Archives: the deeper path

How to find clarity and courage to say no to shiny objects
Shiny Objects Steal Your Best From You Shiny objects are simply dressed up distractions, designed to sabotage you and your success. They often arrive in your inbox appearing as “good” opportunities sent by sincere people. Unfortunately, pursuing them demands a hefty price tag—measured in dollars and hours. If you’re not careful, they’ll suck you in. You’ll emerge…

Episode 80 – How to become a thought leader and certify people on your own content
Could you be earning more influence, impact, & income? If you’re a content creator (speaker, blogger, authors, podcaster, etc.) and you’re not certifying people to speak, coach, and train on your content, then you could be leaving massive amounts of influence, impact, and income on the table. Over the past 5 years we’ve issued well over…