Tag Archives: john maxwell team

Episode 106: How to find the perfect business partner
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher) It’s been said that you should be choosier about picking a business partner than even picking a spouse. While I don’t necessarily agree with that I do know that business partnerships often begin on a napkin at a restaurant and end with a judge in a courtroom.…

Episode 105: How to create a killer coaching business as your side hustle
(Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher.) In 2011, while still in my day job, I saw the writing on the wall. Although I loved the people I worked with and the organization I worked for, I also knew I had untapped potential and unrealized dreams. I began coaching a few clients on the…

Episode 90 – ELIXIR Project: We are the authorities
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) What advice is breaking you? Who’s giving you orders? Is that advice benefitting you or breaking you? How can you know for sure? What advice is making you? You must decide what advice shapes you. You are the authority. More on this topic in…

Episode 85 – 3 essential ingredients for going viral with your book, brand, or business
(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Are you ready for viral? If you’ve been around the Internet for more that a few days then you know going viral is a good thing. Let me qualify that last statement. If you have a book, brand, or business, then going viral is…

Episode 70 – The information DIET. How consuming too much content is giving your business a serious bellyache
I overheard someone a few months back boasting about the amount of books she read over the past year (more than one per week). In addition, this person also subscribes to dozens of blogs and podcasts. She attends conferences, purchases products, and enrolls in many courses. The other people hearing these boasts were feeling rather small.…