Tag Archives: authors

ghostwriter academy turn your passion into a profession

Ghostwriter Academy: Turn your passion into a profession

I FELL INTO GHOSTWRITING BY ACCIDENT… I’ve been an author since 2004. But for the first 8 years, it was always a side-hustle. After all, with a wife and 3 kids, I didn’t think I could make a living as a full-time writer. Then in 2012, my friend Scott asked me if I could help…

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Episode 77 – Thirty Days to a Bigger Stage: How to leverage publicity so you can amplify your message with Joel Kessel

Ever wonder how to PENETRATE your market, PLOW through your fears, and PREPARE to be a rock star in your industry? Over the years a number of amazing people have asked me to interview them on the Igniting Souls podcast. Because I’m so committed to our time together, my answer is almost always no. But…this week I invited…

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