Category Archives: Identity

Episode 048 – How I overcame the imposter inside
I used to wear a mask—every single day. It’s how I survived. At the age of 23, I was thrust into a large leadership position for a guy my age. I made it through by pretending and hiding. I felt pressure and stress on a daily basis and nobody knew about my secret addiction I…

Episode 038 – More important than fame, fortune, and even smoothies
I’ve seen an interesting trend. What does Aragorn in Lord of the Rings, Sarah in Genesis, Rapunzel in Disney’s Tangled, and Orel Hershiser in baseball have in common? How did this similar experience shift their lives and prepare them for their divine destiny? Discover the difference and apply it in your own life.

Episode 032 – 10 responses when you’re in the desert
The desert is a place of testing, isolation, and struggle. Many of us begin to despise the desert and end up losing hope. But in my time there I discovered the greater the testing, the greater the exaltation. God doesn’t invest time shaping someone unless he has a significant assignment for them. In this episode…

Episode 030 – The real reason why we wish we were someone else
Wishing you were someone else kind of defeats the purpose of God creating you. True? Still, most of us secretly wish we were someone else for one simple reason. Discover it and even more importantly why this habit will hard-wire you NOT to succeed. Escaping this habit is possible and a powerful step toward embracing…

Episode 022 – 5 reasons why you SHOULD compare yourself
Although I don’t suggest comparing yourself to others, I do think you should compare yourself to yourself. Sound odd? Maybe, at first. But not when you understand these 5 reasons.

Episode 018 – 3 warning signs you might have victim tendencies.
Victims see themselves as powerless and unable to change themselves or the world around them. They broadcast a frequency that repels victors and attracts other victims. In a short amount of time, victims congregate and begin reinforcing their victimhood with each other. If you think you might be a victim, check out these 3 warning…

Episode 017 – Why Imposters are Hardwired Not to Succeed
Life told you it was less painful to hold back, filter your personality, and pretend to be somebody else. In this episode discover the CAUSE for being an imposter; the COST of being an imposter, and the COURSE for you to overcome being an imposter.

Episode 005 – Why you struggle with self-image and what to do about it
You don’t get what you want. You get who you are. Discover how to reset your self-image set-point and get the results you want.

Episode 004 – 4 ways to respond to your haters
Criticism isn’t your biggest problem, obscurity is. Compliments and criticism both mean you and your message have connected. Discover 4 ways to respond to your haters.

4 ways to respond to your haters
You can rush to defend or clarify, but do you want to? Is that your calling? You can spend bundles of “sideways energy” and accomplish nothing more than being distracted from advancing your mission.