Tag Archives: LIVING FORWARD. Michael Hyatt

Girl Peeking

You don’t need a big following to become an author

“I’m going to build my platform before I become an author.” “Just like all those other big-time authors, I need a bigger following first.” “I don’t have enough fans to publish now.” These statements might sound wise or even prudent, right? And you might have said them or heard other people say them. But these…

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3 Essential Ingredients for going viral with your book, brand, or business

Episode 85 – 3 essential ingredients for going viral with your book, brand, or business

(Listen via itunes, audioboom, stitcher, or click on the pic below.) Are you ready for viral?  If you’ve been around the Internet for more that a few days then you know going viral is a good thing. Let me qualify that last statement. If you have a book, brand, or business, then going viral is…

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Episode 057 – A proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want: LIVING FORWARD chat with Michael Hyatt, Daniel Harkavy, and Kary Oberbrunner

    In this episode I take a deep dive into the Living Forward phenomenon via an exclusive chat with authors Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy. Living Forward starts out by addressing THE DRIFT. The DRIFT is the tendency to arrive at destinations you don’t consciously choose. The DRIFT is facing life in a reactive…

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